

Health Screening Clinic

The Health Care Support Worker can provide a health check, this includes a blood pressure check, testing your urine for abnormalities and advice on a healthy lifestyle.

Blood Pressure Clinic

If your blood pressure is found to be high at a routine check this clinic plans an individual programme of investigation and monitoring.  The nurse will advise you how often your controlled blood pressure needs to be monitored.

If you have had high blood pressure that is now controlled by medication, this clinic will also routinely monitor your blood pressure and health. This clinic is run by a Practice Nurse and a Health Care Support Worker.

We have a blood pressure machine situated in the waiting room and would like to invite any of our patients to use this. It is very simple and full instructions are on the machine. It will print the results which you can then hand to a member of staff who will update your medical records.

Asthma Clinic

This clinic monitors your current asthma treatment and gives advice on new asthma treatments. It also offers advice on inhaler use and peak flow monitoring.

If you have asthma you are advised to have an annual review.

This clinic is run by a Practice Nurse.

Diabetic Clinic

This clinic monitors all aspects of diabetic care, 6 monthly for bloods, diabetic review, Blood Pressure, Weight. Annually for urine check and footcheck.

This clinic is run by a Practice Nurse.

Chronic Heart Disease Clinic

This clinic monitors any patient with chronic heart disease or angina.

This clinic is run by a Practice Nurse.

Well Elderly Clinic

This clinic is for people aged over 75 years who would like to attend for a general health assessment and receive health advice.

This clinic is run by a Health Care Support Worker.

Epilepsy Clinic

This clinic is run by a Practice Nurse

Click here to download a copy of our epilepsy questionnaire

Learning disabilities - Annual Health Checks

People with a learning disability often have poorer physical and mental health than other people. An annual health check can improve people’s health by spotting problems earlier. People with a learning disability can sometimes find it hard to know when they are unwell, or to tell someone about it. A health check once a year gives people time to talk about anything that is worrying them and means they can get used to going to visit the doctor. Anyone over the age of 14 with a learning disability, can have an annual health check. Children would usually see a different doctor until they are 14 years old. The link below provides you with further information regarding learning disabilities:


Cervical Smears

It is recommended that women aged 24 ½ years to 49 years have a smear test every three years and 50 years to 60 years have a smear test every five years. have a smear test every three years. This test looks for any early abnormalities of the cervix or neck of the womb. The best time for a smear test is mid-cycle, this usually means 10 to 14 days after your period has finished. If you are unsure please ask a receptionist or nurse. If you attend too soon after your period or just before your period starts there is a chance that the smear test will be inadequate as there will not be enough cells to sample. Please make an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Minor Surgery

Dr Shah can perform minor surgical procedures and steroid injections with the Practice Nurse. Please see the doctor routinely who can then arrange this treatment. 

Blood Tests

If you need a blood test this has to be arranged in a morning appointment so that the blood sample can be taken to the hospital at lunchtime.

If you need a fasting blood test then eat your evening meal as usual and after midnight you are only allowed to drink water. You are not allowed to eat anything until the blood test has been performed. Click here for more information.

UHNM - Community Phlebotomy web-based appointment booking system

Online booking service to book an appointment, after booking a text confirmation of date/time/venue will be received.  Click on the link below to book a blood test at your local clinic location.

General Nursing Services

  • Wound dressing and removal of stitches
  • Family planning advice and checks
  • Immunisations, for example, childhood, holiday, flu, pneumonia, shingles