Managing your health online

Using an online form - Accurx

You can now access a wealth of health advice that’s clinically tailored to your symptoms. 

Simply fill in a health enquiry form by clicking on the image opposite outlining your symptoms. You’ll then be directed to information articles and videos advising you on how to treat your symptoms and what you may need to do next. The forms are quick and easy to use and tailored to give you help and advice that’s specific to your condition.

The forms are sent directly and securely to the practice so we can check your answers and advise you on the most appropriate next step, you may need a face-to-face appointment with the GP or Nurse Practitioner or be signposted to another service by the Care Navigator.

Using your NHS account/NHS App or Patient Access

There are other tasks you can do online, like:

  • order repeat prescriptions
  • view your test results
  • see parts of your health record
  • check or cancel appointments
  • see your vaccination record

For these, you can use your NHS account/NHS App or Patient Access You can access them using their websites or apps.

Setting up an NHS account/NHS App

To set up your NHS account for the first time, you will need to set up an NHS login. Read about how to set up NHS login (

Once you have set up your NHS login, you can log in to your NHS account or download the NHS App onto your phone.

Setting up Patient Access

To set up Patient Access for the first time:

  • visit the surgery with photo ID so we can confirm your identity
  • we will give you a username and password
  • go to Patient Access or use the app to register